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Wish List 2021

Funds Raised


Elevating the health and well-being of the community starts with each of us. In 2021, the Foundation launched this campaign aimed at enhancing the quality and efficiency of care at the Leduc Community Hospital.

Thanks to the community support and our partners in health, funds raised during this campaign supported the purchase of: 

  1. Staxi Chairs $25,000 (all departments benefit from easier patient transport)
  2. Lucas Chest Compression System $18,00 (providing life-saving support in Emergency Department)
  3. Tower Isolation Carts $14,000 (improving access to protective equipment for staff in all units)
  4. Furniture for quiet rooms/patient rooms $7,000 (enhanced patient comfort in the Subacute/Transition Unit)
  5. Laryngoscope Blade & Handles $6,000 (to assist in accessing patient airways in ER and Special Care)
  6. Visitor Chairs $4,600 (benefit the patient and visit experience in Acute Care)
  7. Ipads $1,800 (patient-focused care and experience for the Subacute/Transition Unit)
  8. Venipuncture Chair $1,600 (IV initiations for CT patients)